Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Something I want to understand better...that is hard...there are many things I don't understand, and just choosing one will be hard...

Let's see...

I would really like to know if the following theory will ever happen/could be true: 
Electronic books will eventually replace paper books
As a person who once aspired to become a librarian/book restorer, I feel quite strongly about this topic.  Using Aristotle's Common Topics argument, though, I will discover the answer, hopefully, in this quandary.  

Common Topics:
1) Whether a thing has (or has not) occurred or will (or will not) occur--conjecture
2) Whether a thing is greater or smaller than another thing--degree
3) What is (and is not) possible--possibility

This be the part where I go through and ask questions/explain!
1) Paper books are still around, so they have not been forgotten; there are electronic devices, like Kindles, that allow the owner to download books and highlight items; in this ever-developing society, electronic books could still take over paper books.  
2) I believe that paper books are greater than electronic books because you can have the book in front of you, you can see how the writer intended it (not many writers compose specifically for electronic media; ebooks are normally taken from books that were in print on paper before the electronic form).  There are many people, though, who prefer electronic books.  They believe that it is easier to use one thing and have many books on it, instead of having to lug around huge books.  I understand that, but if we completely get rid of it, think of how much history we will be getting rid of!  Thanks Gutenberg, but we didn't need you after all!
3) It is very possible that ebooks will take over the paper books due to the amount of people that use electronic devices.  I have several friends who only listen to audiobooks; they never open a book unless directed to do so for school.  This greatly saddens me; when you have your own copy of a book, you can read at your own pace.  You can put the book down and wait until you understand so you can continue.  When it is an audiobook, though, you have to pause it and you normally lose your place.  But back to ebooks...because they can be accessed from many different places on an electronic device people already own, it is very possible that they will take over the book business.  

There are several more ways in which I can argue for/against ebooks.  I will save that for another time...I was about to say that people are to trees as frogs are to bugs, but the analogy didn't to class!

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