Thursday, October 16, 2008

A day with Gray turns happy again!


Ideology: A set of beliefs, or ideas, that help a person shape/understand the world; feminism, capitalism, conservatism/liberalism, communism, humanism (?), environmentalism, liberalism...

Common Topics: conjecture, degree, possibility; specific procedures/set of questions for generating arguments (heuristics: generating ideas/topics/arguments)

Commonplace: something people can take "comfort" in; "taken for granted", "unstated"; "vague principles/myths/traditional values"; faith in a "vaguely defined God" guides the nation, patriotism, loyalty, national flag/anthem/symbols, frontier; often unstated ideas, statements that help to shape an ideology; unstated premises that help to construct an ideology

Zinn, p. 131--American ideology, commonplaces are frequently resorted to in popular rhetoric; they provide the terms within which American discourse works
Hirsch--how does he think, as opposed to Zinn

Specifics from the text: MANY!

Ideologic--"main street, not wall street"; how do they work?  what are they? ideologic (ideas)--arguments that are made by stringing together commonplaces--p. 141

"Keep Austin Weird"--commonplace is leftist movement
1) An"ideal" city is a "weird" city//the same is boring
2) A weird city has lots of different people, different shots, different ideas, different cultures, heterogeneous=weird city
3) Austin is a weird city
4) Homogeneity is not weird
5) Box stores corporations promote homogeneity
6) Government should promote what is unique in a city rather than what is "the same"
This is the "Keep Austin Weird" movement more than anything else
7) moves it into more specific terms: Austin policy should keep local stores here rather than inviting in corporations

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people"
1) Guns are weapons that claim many lives, due to bullets
2) Guns are incapable of free-will and/or action by themselves
3) Guns are only deadly when initiated by a person at a person
4) Guns are not a major contributing factor to violence at large unless they are wielded by people
5) Guns should not be  the focus of legislation
6) Violent offenders who use guns in the wrong way should be the focus of legislation

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