Tuesday, October 14, 2008


In case you were wondering, I do make up my own titles for these posts. I don't normally pick words that many people know, but I do try pronouncing them before I type them. If you enjoy the spellings, imagine someone actually sitting and pronouncing it. :)

Anyways! Newspapers!

The main items being debated in the "American public sphere" are the election and the stock-market. These two topics concern all Americans, though the stock-market, nowadays, only concerns certain people. The ways in which the media portray the trials occurring in the US greatly affect the way in which American view their own country. If the media says we are all going to be bankrupted by the failing economy, the public will generally agree. This brings up the topic of "ideological bias". This means, simply, that the certain slant written into the newspapers and magazines is one proposing values, and, in some cases, stating values not felt by the society as a whole.
The ideological bias felt by my hometown newspaper is one that the rest of the state does not share. To protect the citizens of said city, I will not say the city. So...there... The liberal/conservative bias currently felt in America affects the ideology of everyone because, as can be seen from the current presidential debates, not everyone thinks the same way. The ideological biases felt by the people in the book, even, are not the same.
Some ideological biases will be supported, and some will not. This is simple logic. Not everyone agrees on the same issues, and those that do agree on the same issues have various degrees of agreement. This will always be the case, and most newspapers will pull on the biases felt by the larger population. And no matter how hard people protest, this will continue to be the case.

Onward to class!

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