Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The snow doth melt...ah, such great happ--er--sadness...

No class on Thursday!  Group meetings...twenty-ish minutes...
329 Colson=where we shall be meeting!  I'm meeting at 1:05-1:25 on Thursday.

Don't have to bring any work; bring questions, bring concerns
Talk about where you are in your progress, and about the work you'll have to do to make more progress...

Cancel reading for Thursday.  No more readings to do; we come back and do the draft workshop.

If intimidated by the creative example we read on Thursday, think more of Jack Selzer's writing.

Style: Obama speech
Grand, Middle, Plain style:
types of words chosen--range, grand/elevated------->plain/everyday
kinds of ideas discussed--range, grand/significant------>plain/everyday
structures/figures of speech--highly stylized------->straightforward "plain"
where would we place this speech/parts of this speech in the different categories:

Doesn't use too much "grand" speech, structure of sentences was pretty complicated
Diction: puts in some grand speech, strong/bigger words, "particularly divisive turn", he's very educated, talking to those who are educated in the sense that they know what's going on; "flowery" speech
Middle to Grand speech style; 

significant, weighty topics
Grand, lots of people would understand it
Middle, fewer people, middle ground

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