Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Post #1--Words, they find themselves in print

The class for which I am writing this blog is for discovering more about Professional Writers and Editors.  These PWEs can be masquerading using many different names.  They could be scriptwriters or songwriters; freelance journalists or lawyers; editors or copy writers, who work in advertising and as the assistants to editors.  Just because a person is majoring or, as in my case, minoring in Professional Writing and Editing does not mean that the person will hold a job title with any of those three words in the position title.  

The skills acquired my PWEs can be used to write grants, explain scientific theories, and design manuals for schools and corporations.

And just as how the titles may be different, the kind of company the PWE works for can be quite diverse.  One may work writing articles for a psychological journal, while another edits a handbook for a non-profit organization.  PWEs can use their knowledge in any line of work.  I know several people who are going to use their degree in association with becoming a lawyer and going into business for themselves.  I want to use my experience to become an editor for a publishing firm.  As someone in one of my classes said. "being a book editor keeps the job interesting; you get to read so many different things".  I agree completely.  

Knowing that you could go into any field of work using a degree in PWE makes me think that this kind of degree would be quite sought after by students.

And it is easier writing down a page...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your first two posts. I've wanted to write a blog before but I don't think anyone would read it and I don't think I'd have much to say to nobody. Anyway, I said all that to tell you I'm reading and I like it. :) Keep 'em coming.