Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I thought the title fitting.  Anyways...I have another paper I have to write.  I just finished the progress report for this class, and now I'm doing the homework, mainly to prove that I am still capable of doing it.  Yeah, so here goes...

P. 283, 2 and 4

2) Evidence of the senses--taste, touch, hearing, sight, smell--sometimes indisputable.  Instances where I have found them unreliable?  There have been several times that my mother has cooked a meal where the food looked quite atrocious.  This led to me thinking that, because it looked horrible, it would taste horrible, too.  Also, this reminds me of my little sister, after she was just born.  She looked so little, smelled so interesting, and sounded so loud that it was a bit much to take in.  This resulted in me having very strong opinions about her for several years.  But, to get more focused, there have been times when I have been in situations where hearing something else bettered the situation.  Just think about a time when you have knocked something off a table.  We all have, and are all shocked when the item initially falls.  The sound it makes when contact is made with the floor results in us grimacing, crying, or jumping for joy (carefully around the object, that is).  But just because we hear a loud crashing noise does not mean the item is completely useless.  How do you know that the TV was not turned on at the exact same's plausible...a lil'...  And what about politics?  We can hear tons of things, but that doesn't mean it's reliable!  I could keep going, but I need to finish the question.  No, I do not think that empirical evidence is convincing.  Yes, it can have it's convincing moments, but not all the time.  Everything that looks nice is not nice.  Experience tells us this.  I accept the ancients' skepticism in the empirical evidence department, mainly because such evidence can easily be proven wrong.  Now, if the person chooses not to believe it...that's a whole other blog post...
4) Ah!  Finally a question that can be answered on a sheet of paper that is not electronic.  (I see a blog as a sheet of paper where you can easily check spelling mistakes and the words look pretty...oh, yeah...other people can easily read it, blah blah blah...)  

Another paper awaits me, so I must away!

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