Thursday, October 9, 2008

A day so sad turned Gray!


Three types of interviews:
semi-structured--purpose: gaining insight into writer's motivations, values, background, approach to the writing process
what are some of your unique/important items in your writing?
stimulated elicitation--prop; purpose: gaining insight on writer's thinking/problem--solving strategies; learning about writer's decision making

Cover-letter writer--more of a class influence
What influence did the class discussions and free-writes have on your writing?  
In what ways did you apply the class knowledge (knowledge you gained from class) to the writing of the letter?

(What was the most important item you've brought to your cover letter? Differences you know between your first and last drafts? What do you do when you don't fully understand what to do in an assignment?)
Framing--keep it positive!  Don't put them on the defensive. Start with something positive you see, "I really liked how you used this, why did you choose to do it this way?"  Keep emphasis on understanding and not understanding; this will help you get around the "weaknesses"; go around the negative, maybe don't even say "not understanding".  They can "shut-down", and not give you an answer.  VALUE JUDGEMENTS! "what do you focus on in your editing?" 

Gathering data! Analysis comes after.

Something peculiar!
There are other things influencing what people write...writing in collaboration doesn't always mean switching files with someone else and both writing the same thing.
Writer, audience, topic...the relation of all of these influences what the text will look like...

Capitol dayness...abstracts?!
handout!  p. 5, here is what we know, and this is what we don't know.

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