Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Read the English 301 blog.

Still picture: on eCampus
1) The students are typing on laptops, writing down notes on paper and the board, and seem to be discussing a topic.
2) The students are sitting close enough to each other so that, if they need to quietly talk to the person beside them, they can do so without disrupting the others.  One is standing; she seems to be leading the group in some way. Semi-circular arrangement of seats--look attached.  Comfortable seating; commons area? Why do they have laptops?  Using them for? What is the book for? Why is book closed? Not a professional area; laptops, book bags on floor; flip flops! Creating as a group. All equals? Teacher/students? Fingers at the ready for to type. Sitting up, attentive. 
3) It seems to be midday; the light is very bright outside, and the room does not look as though there is artificial light used.  Also, the students seem awake, not half asleep.
4) We have approached this picture after the conversation was well underway.  They seem to be in the middle of discussion.  
6) The students don't seem to be trying to get things done too quickly--they would appear on edge if this were the case; they seem to be relaxed and at ease.
7) They seem like they are supposed to look interested, but they really don't.
8) The picture is both neat and messy.  The students left bags in the middle of the floor (hopefully there is no fire) and they each have something blocking their way, such as a computer or a book.
9) They seem rather bored.
11) "blah"

Moving pictures?!

Real-life observing:
Of Erin and Vanessa

Spend time between now and Thursday blogging about the observation practices.
Freewrite on the English 301 blog.  Reflecting on how YOU (me) observed.  What did I do, how would I have enhanced it, changed it?

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