Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The class that is right now

We put up things on the board that were added, appear in both, or dropped from both the freewrite and the first draft for this one guy's papers we are looking at.

Things I'm still not sure about:
I'm not sure that there are any questions that I still have.  I didn't have a whole lot of questions going into this, but the few I had were answered in the discussions.  

What do I feel sure of?
I think that I understand a bit more about the texts, and where to look to find how these texts changed.  I think that if I was given a topic in this packet to research, I could come up with lots of questions that I could find the answers to by using the ideas mentioned in class.

I really want to perfect my letter of inquiry.  

1 comment:

Scott Wible said...

You're right on target here about where I'd like everyone to be . . . I'd like everyone to begin feeling comfortable about that they would know what kinds of texts they could look for or what kind of interview questions they could ask in order to begin learning about a writer's writing practices.