Wednesday, August 26, 2009

O frabjous day!

This blog will now be used for my English 303 class! It is so happy to have a purpose once again!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What to do.

I think the answer is to cease writing for this blog.  This blog was fun, at first.  I laughed at the name, then realized that everyone else wouldn't understand the reference.  Even if I told them, I think it would go right over their head--like the joke about the went right over your head*.  But even with me deciding not to write for this blog, I have written for this blog.  I am, as I type, typing for this blog.  When I stop typing this entry, I might stop completely at writing this blog.  But I'm not sure.  It might take me a few years, or just a few hours to decide that I want to write something else.  Whenever I decide to write again, whether sooner or later, I'll have to inform you then, as I'm not sure now.  

*This joke is credited to one of my dear friends.